Follow Task

The follow task calculates a reward based on the distance to an actor and optionally if the agent has line of sight to it.

If OnlyWithinSight is true, the reward is set to the percent distance covered from the MinDistance to the ToFollow target if the angle from the agent to target is less than FOVRadians and is there is nothing blocking the agent’s line of sight. Otherwise the reward is 0.

If OnlyWithinSight is false, then the reward is set to the the percent distance covered from the MinDistance to the ToFollow Actor.

The reward will be a value 0 to 100


Each of the following parameters can be placed in the configuration field for a follow task sensor (see scenario files.)


Name of the actor to follow.

"ToFollow": "name-of-actor"


Boolean value indicating if the reward should be calculated only when the actor to follow is within the agent’s field of view.

"OnlyWithinSight": true


Float value, the field of view of the agent, in radians. See above how this is used in the reward calculation.

"FOVRadians": 1.5


Float value, used to specify the minimum distance

"MinDistance": 512.0


The socket of the ToFollow actor the agent needs to see if OnlyWithinSight is true. If left empty, it defaults to the actor’s location.

"FollowSocket": "head"


    "ToFollow": "person",
    "OnlyWithinSight": true,
    "FOVRadains": 2.0,
    "MinDistance": 1024.0,
    "FollowSocket": "head"