
For a higher level description of the agents, see Holodeck Agents.

Definitions for different agents that can be controlled from Holodeck


AgentDefinition(agent_name, agent_type[, …]) Represents information needed to initialize agent.
AgentFactory Creates an agent object
AndroidAgent(client[, name]) An humanoid android agent.
ControlSchemes All allowed control schemes.
HandAgent(client[, name]) A floating hand agent.
HolodeckAgent(client[, name]) A learning agent in Holodeck
NavAgent(client[, name]) A humanoid character capable of intelligent navigation.
SphereAgent(client[, name])
TurtleAgent(client[, name]) A simple turtle bot.
UavAgent(client[, name])
class holodeck.agents.AgentDefinition(agent_name, agent_type, sensors=None, starting_loc=(0, 0, 0), starting_rot=(0, 0, 0), existing=False, is_main_agent=False)

Represents information needed to initialize agent.

  • agent_name (str) – The name of the agent to control.
  • agent_type (str or type) – The type of HolodeckAgent to control, string or class reference.
  • sensors (SensorDefinition or class type (if no duplicate sensors)) – A list of HolodeckSensors to read from this agent.
  • starting_loc (list of float) – Starting [x, y, z] location for agent (see Coordinate System)
  • starting_rot (list of float) – Starting [roll, pitch, yaw] rotation for agent (see Rotations)
  • existing (bool) – If the agent exists in the world or not (deprecated)
class holodeck.agents.AgentFactory

Creates an agent object


build_agent(client, agent_def) Constructs an agent
static build_agent(client, agent_def)

Constructs an agent



class holodeck.agents.AndroidAgent(client, name='DefaultAgent')

An humanoid android agent.

Can be controlled via torques supplied to its joints.

See AndroidAgent for more details.

Action Space:

94 dimensional vector of continuous values representing torques to be applied at each joint. The layout of joints can be found here:

There are 18 joints with 3 DOF, 10 with 2 DOF, and 20 with 1 DOF.

Inherits from HolodeckAgent.


control_schemes A list of all control schemes for the agent.


get_joint_constraints(joint_name) Returns the corresponding swing1, swing2 and twist limit values for the specified joint.
joint_ind(joint_name) Gets the joint indices for a given name

A list of all control schemes for the agent. Each list element is a 2-tuple, with the first element containing a short description of the control scheme, and the second element containing the ActionSpace for the control scheme.

Returns:Each tuple contains a short description and the ActionSpace
Return type:(str, ActionSpace)

Returns the corresponding swing1, swing2 and twist limit values for the specified joint. Will return None if the joint does not exist for the agent.

Returns:obj )
Return type:(
static joint_ind(joint_name)

Gets the joint indices for a given name

Parameters:joint_name (str) – Name of the joint to look up
Returns:The index into the state array
Return type:(int)
class holodeck.agents.ControlSchemes

All allowed control schemes.


Default Android control scheme. Specify a torque for each joint.


Default ContinuousSphere control scheme. Takes two commands, [forward_delta, turn_delta].


Default DiscreteSphere control scheme. Takes a value, 0-4, which corresponds with forward, backward, right, and left.


Default NavAgent control scheme. Takes a target xyz coordinate.


Default UAV control scheme. Takes torques for roll, pitch, and yaw, as well as thrust.


Control scheme for UAV. Takes roll, pitch, yaw rate, and altitude targets.


Default Android control scheme. Specify a torque for each joint.

class holodeck.agents.HandAgent(client, name='DefaultAgent')

A floating hand agent.

Can be controlled via torques supplied to its joints and moved around in three dimensions.

See HandAgent for more details.

Action Space:

23 or 26 dimensional vector of continuous values representing torques to be applied at each joint. The layout of joints can be found here: HandAgent Joints.

Inherits from HolodeckAgent.


control_schemes A list of all control schemes for the agent.


get_joint_constraints(joint_name) Returns the corresponding swing1, swing2 and twist limit values for the specified joint.
joint_ind(joint_name) Gets the joint indices for a given name

A list of all control schemes for the agent. Each list element is a 2-tuple, with the first element containing a short description of the control scheme, and the second element containing the ActionSpace for the control scheme.

Returns:Each tuple contains a short description and the ActionSpace
Return type:(str, ActionSpace)

Returns the corresponding swing1, swing2 and twist limit values for the specified joint. Will return None if the joint does not exist for the agent.

Returns:obj )
Return type:(
static joint_ind(joint_name)

Gets the joint indices for a given name

Parameters:joint_name (str) – Name of the joint to look up
Returns:The index into the state array
Return type:(int)
class holodeck.agents.HolodeckAgent(client, name='DefaultAgent')

A learning agent in Holodeck

Agents can act, receive rewards, and receive observations from their sensors. Examples include the Android, UAV, and SphereRobot.

  • client (HolodeckClient) – The HolodeckClient that this agent belongs with.
  • name (str, optional) – The name of the agent. Must be unique from other agents in the same environment.
  • sensors (dict of (str, HolodeckSensor)) – A list of HolodeckSensors to read from this agent.


act(action) Sets the command for the agent.
add_sensors(sensor_defs) Adds a sensor to a particular agent object and attaches an instance of the sensor to the agent in the world.
clear_action() Sets the action to zeros, effectively removing any previous actions.
get_joint_constraints(joint_name) Returns the corresponding swing1, swing2 and twist limit values for the specified joint.
has_camera() Indicatates whether this agent has a camera or not.
remove_sensors(sensor_defs) Removes a sensor from a particular agent object and detaches it from the agent in the world.
set_control_scheme(index) Sets the control scheme for the agent.
set_physics_state(location, rotation, …) Sets the location, rotation, velocity and angular velocity of an agent.
teleport([location, rotation]) Teleports the agent to a specific location, with a specific rotation.


action_space Gets the action space for the current agent and control scheme.
control_schemes A list of all control schemes for the agent.

The name of the agent.


List of HolodeckSensors on this agent.

Type:dict of (string, HolodeckSensor)

A dictionary that maps sensor names to sensor observation data.


Sets the command for the agent. Action depends on the agent type and current control scheme.

Parameters:action (np.ndarray) – The action to take.

Gets the action space for the current agent and control scheme.

The action space for this agent and control
Return type:ActionSpace

Adds a sensor to a particular agent object and attaches an instance of the sensor to the agent in the world.

:param sensor_defs (HolodeckSensor or: list of HolodeckSensor):
Sensors to add to the agent.

Sets the action to zeros, effectively removing any previous actions.


A list of all control schemes for the agent. Each list element is a 2-tuple, with the first element containing a short description of the control scheme, and the second element containing the ActionSpace for the control scheme.

Returns:Each tuple contains a short description and the ActionSpace
Return type:(str, ActionSpace)

Returns the corresponding swing1, swing2 and twist limit values for the specified joint. Will return None if the joint does not exist for the agent.

Returns:obj )
Return type:(

Indicatates whether this agent has a camera or not.

Returns:If the agent has a sensor or not
Return type:bool

Removes a sensor from a particular agent object and detaches it from the agent in the world.

:param sensor_defs (HolodeckSensor or: list of HolodeckSensor):
Sensors to remove from the agent.

Sets the control scheme for the agent. See ControlSchemes.

Parameters:index (int) – The control scheme to use. Should be set with an enum from ControlSchemes.
set_physics_state(location, rotation, velocity, angular_velocity)

Sets the location, rotation, velocity and angular velocity of an agent.

  • location (np.ndarray) – New location ([x, y, z] (see Coordinate System))
  • rotation (np.ndarray) – New rotation ([roll, pitch, yaw], see (see Rotations))
  • velocity (np.ndarray) – New velocity ([x, y, z] (see Coordinate System))
  • angular_velocity (np.ndarray) – New angular velocity ([x, y, z] in degrees (see Coordinate System))
teleport(location=None, rotation=None)

Teleports the agent to a specific location, with a specific rotation.

  • location (np.ndarray, optional) –

    An array with three elements specifying the target world coordinates [x, y, z] in meters (see Coordinate System).

    If None (default), keeps the current location.

  • rotation (np.ndarray, optional) –

    An array with three elements specifying roll, pitch, and yaw in degrees of the agent.

    If None (default), keeps the current rotation.

class holodeck.agents.NavAgent(client, name='DefaultAgent')

A humanoid character capable of intelligent navigation.

See NavAgent for more details.

Action Space:

Continuous control scheme of the form [x_target, y_target, z_target]. (see Coordinate System)

Inherits from HolodeckAgent.


control_schemes A list of all control schemes for the agent.


get_joint_constraints(joint_name) Returns the corresponding swing1, swing2 and twist limit values for the specified joint.

A list of all control schemes for the agent. Each list element is a 2-tuple, with the first element containing a short description of the control scheme, and the second element containing the ActionSpace for the control scheme.

Returns:Each tuple contains a short description and the ActionSpace
Return type:(str, ActionSpace)

Returns the corresponding swing1, swing2 and twist limit values for the specified joint. Will return None if the joint does not exist for the agent.

Returns:obj )
Return type:(
class holodeck.agents.SphereAgent(client, name='DefaultAgent')


control_schemes A list of all control schemes for the agent.


get_joint_constraints(joint_name) Returns the corresponding swing1, swing2 and twist limit values for the specified joint.

A list of all control schemes for the agent. Each list element is a 2-tuple, with the first element containing a short description of the control scheme, and the second element containing the ActionSpace for the control scheme.

Returns:Each tuple contains a short description and the ActionSpace
Return type:(str, ActionSpace)

Returns the corresponding swing1, swing2 and twist limit values for the specified joint. Will return None if the joint does not exist for the agent.

Returns:obj )
Return type:(
class holodeck.agents.TurtleAgent(client, name='DefaultAgent')

A simple turtle bot.

See TurtleAgent for more details.

Action Space:

[forward_force, rot_force]

  • forward_force is capped at 160 in either direction
  • rot_force is capped at 35 either direction


control_schemes A list of all control schemes for the agent.


get_joint_constraints(joint_name) Returns the corresponding swing1, swing2 and twist limit values for the specified joint.

Inherits from HolodeckAgent.


A list of all control schemes for the agent. Each list element is a 2-tuple, with the first element containing a short description of the control scheme, and the second element containing the ActionSpace for the control scheme.

Returns:Each tuple contains a short description and the ActionSpace
Return type:(str, ActionSpace)

Returns the corresponding swing1, swing2 and twist limit values for the specified joint. Will return None if the joint does not exist for the agent.

Returns:obj )
Return type:(
class holodeck.agents.UavAgent(client, name='DefaultAgent')


control_schemes A list of all control schemes for the agent.


get_joint_constraints(joint_name) Returns the corresponding swing1, swing2 and twist limit values for the specified joint.

A list of all control schemes for the agent. Each list element is a 2-tuple, with the first element containing a short description of the control scheme, and the second element containing the ActionSpace for the control scheme.

Returns:Each tuple contains a short description and the ActionSpace
Return type:(str, ActionSpace)

Returns the corresponding swing1, swing2 and twist limit values for the specified joint. Will return None if the joint does not exist for the agent.

Returns:obj )
Return type:(