
Helpful Utilities


convert_unicode(value) Resolves python 2 issue with json loading in unicode instead of string
get_holodeck_path() Gets the path of the holodeck environment
get_holodeck_version() Gets the current version of holodeck
get_os_key() Gets the key for the OS.
human_readable_size(size_bytes) Gets a number of bytes as a human readable string.

Resolves python 2 issue with json loading in unicode instead of string

Parameters:value (str) – Unicode value to be converted
Returns:Converted string
Return type:(str)

Gets the path of the holodeck environment

Returns:path to the current holodeck environment
Return type:(str)

Gets the current version of holodeck

Returns:the current version
Return type:(str)

Gets the key for the OS.

Returns:Linux or Windows. Throws NotImplementedError for other systems.
Return type:str

Gets a number of bytes as a human readable string.

Parameters:size_bytes (int) – The number of bytes to get as human readable.
Returns:The number of bytes in a human readable form.
Return type:str