Multi Agent Example

With Holodeck, you can control more than one agent at once. Instead of calling .step(), which both

  1. passes a single command to the main agent, and
  2. ticks the simulation

you should call .act(). Act supplies a command to a specific agent, but doesn’t tick the game.

Once all agents have received their actions, you can call .tick() to tick the game.

After calling .act(), every time you call .tick() the same command will be supplied to the agent. To change the command, just call .act() again.

The state returned from tick is also somewhat different.

The state is now a dictionary from agent name to sensor dictionary.

You can access the reward, terminal and location for the UAV as shown below.


import holodeck
import numpy as np

env = holodeck.make('CyberPunkCity-Follow')

env.act('uav0', np.array([0, 0, 0, 100]))
env.act('nav0', np.array([0, 0, 0]))
for i in range(300):
   states = env.tick()

   # states is a dictionary
   task = states["uav0"]["FollowTask"]

   reward = task[0]
   terminal = task[1]
   location = states["uav0"]["LocationSensor"]